
news & views

ALL I WANT IS THE FACT, MAM! Ralph Ginzburg, indefatigable editor and publisher of the erotic (Unhurried View of Erotica, and Eros), under heavy fines and penalties for his publication of the latter, has now come up with a new magazine, designed to bait selfappointed custodians of the public morals, from ignorant undemocratic congressmen and religious fanatics, to the Supreme Court justices.

FACT (a friend has subscribed to it for ONE) in its first issue has three references to homosexuality, in remarks by Eugene Burdick, Ronald Weston and Ralph Ginzburg. It also has articles on the sexual symbolism of Christmas, the Catholic Church, the Nazi party, experiences while under narcotics, and "America's first Negro president," which give the magazine a most controversial beginning. Particularly interesting is the quote on the first page as to the purpose of the magazine. RESEARCH

The Janus Society of Philadelphia reports that Temple University plans a joint study with them.


of the homophile movement in the United States.

Unfortunately most universities' attitudes are reflected more by that of the Texas Tech newspaper Daily Toreador which willingly prints anything smirky concerning homosexuality, but can't find space for intelligent and thoughtful articles on the subject.

And speaking of research, those who saw the N. Y. Times article on homosexuality (December 17, 1963) could wish that the paper had done a little research before actually printing the piece. However, the fact that they did it at all on their front page is encouraging.


The police in Dallas are still getting publicity. In recent weeks. they have raided two newsstands claiming that the proprietors were selling publications which would corrupt the public morals. In both cases, the juries, made up of Dallas citizens, disagreed with the police censors and found the dealers innocent. Then the police decided that finding a few queers would make the public feel that